
Cód.: SQ225

28" Black Smoothie Tube Squeegee

Cód.: SQ230

18 1/2" Yellow Turbo Squeegee

Economy size squeegee usually cut to shorter lengths before use. Used for removal of application solution during the installation process.

Cód.: SQ233

5” Fusion Handle

These handles are designed to optimize your leverage in removing mounting solution. Great for high performance automotive films and smaller residential windows. These handles accommodate the 5” Blue Max (SH365) and Clear Max (SH360).

Cód.: SQ235

9" Black Smoothie Tube Squeegee

Cód.: SQ241

5 1/2" Yellow Turbo Squeegee

An installation squeegee used to remove application solution during installation of all auto and paint protection films.

Cód.: SQ243

5” Fusion Handle-Short Handle

These handles are designed to optimize your leverage in removing mounting solution. Great for high performance automotive films and smaller residential windows. These handles accommodate the 5” Blue Max (SH365) and Clear Max (SH360).

Cód.: SQ245

Unger Pro Handle

For use with the SB305 stainless steel channels with black rubber for cleaning or blue replacement blades.

Cód.: SQ253

4" Black Smoothie Tube Squeegee

Cód.: SQ255

Blue Max Squeegee with Handle

Ready-to-use installation squeegee. The specially modified Unger handle makes these installation squeegees must haves.

Cód.: SQ260

Super Clear Max Squeegee with Handle

Ready-to-use installation squeegee. The specially modified Unger handle makes these installation squeegees must haves.

Cód.: SQ270

8" Pro Squeegee Deluxe

An installation squeegee as a ready-to-use assembly. Used to remove application during the installation of all flat glass film types.

Cód.: SQ271

Blue Plastic Handle

Cód.: SQ275

Squeegee sputter 8''

Cód.: SQ346

Performax Handle

Ideal for water extraction when used with SH365 and SH360. Features socket that accepts standard broom or paint roller extensions. This allows installers to get more leverage.


Encuentre aquí la herramienta que usted necesita.

Stilettos and Blades

Stilettos and Blades



Squeegees Hard Card

Squeegees Hard Card

Replacement Rubbers

Replacement Rubbers

Markers and Finishing

Markers and Finishing

Preparation, Assembly and Finishing

Preparation, Assembly and Finishing

Scrapers and Blades

Scrapers and Blades





Soluciones de protección y confort que hacen la diferencia.

Películas Automotivas

Películas Automotivas

SBA bloquea hasta el 99% de los rayos UV, reduce la intensidad de la luz y el calor, disminuyendo los costos de energía para el aire acondicionado y ahorrando combustible.
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